Who we are
The Kirkwood Avenue church of Christ is an independent congregation associated with the churches of Christ, who find their roots in following New Testament Christianity as revealed in the Scriptures. It is our desire to build a strong and vibrant local body of believers who have chosen to be "Christian only" and stand firmly upon the teachings found in the Bible.
Our building is located at 1320 Kirkwood Avenue where our attendance now averages around 30+ on Sunday mornings. Overseen by dedicated leaders, the church is served by several volunteer leaders and our preacher/elder, Jeff Madison, and our elder Jerry Adair.
We are an active family made up of Christians who care for each other. Every Sunday, men, women and children from various backgrounds come together to learn about Jesus and worship God.
Christian faith is not left just for Sunday. It is the foundation for every relationship and all the events of everyday life. We believe our faith should make a profound impact on our lives, including our marriages, families, jobs, resources, and decisions.
We view the Bible as the inspired Word of God, and we strive to follow the teachings and principles of the New Testament.
Our Beliefs
We believe
….. that there is one God and Father of all mankind. God created our world, all that is in it, and is sovereign in all ways. He is creator, Redeemer, Provider, Healer, and Most High God. He is Jehovah Lord.
….. that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and is the only source of redemption for a lost world. Because He became a servant of all by dying on a cross for our sins, He is the one we strive to imitate as we serve those around us. We believe in His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles and teachings, His atoning death, and His bodily resurrection and ascension into heaven. We believe He is coming again, and it is this hope that defines who we are as a people today.
….. that the Holy Spirit came from the Father and Son to convict the world of sin and remind us of what Jesus taught us. We believe the Holy Spirit is a gift given to every believer to prompt us to ministry, service and love. We believe in the continuing work of the Holy Spirit who indwells in the hearts and lives of disciples today. We believe the fruits of the indwelling Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness goodness and self-control.
….. that the church is the body of Christ, of which Jesus himself is head. The purpose of the church is to glorify God. We do this by imitating the life, teachings and ministry of Jesus Christ as we love those around us and call all of us into a relationship with Jesus. We believe that the mark of any fellowship that follows Jesus will be the love we will have for one another and for our world. We believe in the great commission as we testify to the world of the saving power of Jesus Christ.
….. in the unerring word of God. We believe that scripture is inspired of and by God, and that the Bible alone contains what we need for life and Godliness.
….. that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. We believe immersion in water [baptism] is the essential expression of our faith in the saving work of Jesus. We believe that Baptism is the moment of our participation in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, as we rise from our watery grace to live a forgiven life of service to God. Jesus taught and practiced Baptism.
….. in coming together each week as the first century church did to remember the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus by participating in the Lord's Supper. This regular practice promotes unity among us and regularly places His sacrifice before us, reminding us He is coming again soon.
….. that each person is gifted by God with talents and abilities to use in service and ministry in His kingdom. We believe we serve, not so that we can be saved, but because God in His grace has saved us and done for us what we could never do for ourselves. The reason we serve is to give Him glory, to encourage and build up those around us, and to reach out to others who have not yet tasted His love, mercy and grace.
….. in the individual responsibility of every believer to offer our bodies in submission and service to Him as living sacrifices. This is our personal worship. We also believe that our devotion to God is to be expressed corporately with our fellow believers in church assemblies. Worship assemblies are primarily about giving God honor, glory and praise. We also believe our assemblies are to encourage each other as we collectively offer our praise together.
….. that God is love and wants our love. He loved us first and calls us into a loving, submissive, and obedient relationship with Him that defines our relationships with all others.